Monday, 21 October 2013

Nuts For Coconuts 🌴

Absolutely BUZZING my greengrocer got me real coconuts for the same price i pay in Tescos for tins.It has made my year! There is fresh coconut meat in here i can mix in smoothies,puddings,maybe a pina colada or coconut yoghurt or even coconut milk,living enzymes and hydrating real water.It just dosent compare!I drank 1 litre of vitacoco every day of my pregnancy and after for various
reasons.The taste of real coconut water just does not compare to the tinned.It is exceptionally good for digestion issues such as constipation, it replaces your lost salts from diarrhoea and is a better isotonic drink for exercise than any other sports drink.It is a lovely tonic for the skin and for dropping unwanted retention.
Excuse my sons grubby appearance he is just up from a nap and about to get ready for nursery.
Here is our 1st time at nursery: 
And later for a dinner pudding i blended the flesh of 2 coconuts with 4 frozen bananas & vanilla extract for raw coconut icecream.I gave the kids theirs in the bath and there are other pots for myself, brother & husband.My fella said "10/10 im not sharing with the kids" lol.Being a twin himself he actually dosent like to share but good job the twins had their own.

Lots of love,
A hydrated Jen xxx 🌴🌴🌴

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