My gym has a creche, if your a parent or guardian
looking to get fit again there are many options.
My twins have been in the gym creche a couple times just for an hour before but they started a couple afternoons a week at a local nursery next to my house.
Im excited i get to workout much more as this directly affects my mood and positivity.
I also have a running buggy/stroller which ive run miles in
I got the running buggy idea from this fitness model and mum to 2 boys , she has a cool website too:
and an extensive collection of workout dvds from ballet to yoga.
My dad was in the army and went away regularly for 6 months.My mum had just had my brother, when he left she was 12 stone and when he arrived home she was 8.(Shes only 5 foot too)
What a suprise that was for him seeing her so fit.She bought some home gym equipment of weights and every night when she put all three of us to bed she hit the gym and her callenetics dvd.
If you dont workout for your body at least workout for your mood!
Children as lovely as they are, are very testing on your patience and sanity.
Heres a few inspiring pics of how this fit mum fits it into her day.When the twins were younger i used to use them as weights like this they used to giggle and enjoy it so much.I would lay them beside each other and take turns :)
People say they dont have time to exercise but funnily enough these same people can tell you exactly what is going on in all the tv soaps.
Get your blood circulating and your lymph fluid moving, get rid of those dead cells, however can you feel alive!
Lots of love,
A pumped up Jen xx
#rawnchy #rawnchyliving
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