Wednesday 4 December 2013

This week..

This is more a random talkathon type post!..
So after finding this..
Ive been using a peeled garlic clove in my families green juices for increased immunity..
..A random fridge empty,i think was pears,grapes,oranges,cucumber,spinach,garlic..
..I won this pack of handy sachets in environmentally friendly tin from @tonicattack on twitter for being their 100th follower.Here are the benefits:
..Heres a little parent tip i use for a smooth dinner time (or herd control! Haha)
First i play music.I remember when i was studying that your left or right side (i forget which side but its the creative one) actually enjoys background music whilst the other focuses on concentration.My boy has a short attention span and this seems to work whilst he practises his cutlery skills..
I also add colour to the plate to stimulate them even if only for decoration, a few slices of beets,carrot,kale and it also is a practise at trying new things even ifthey aren't fancying it,they could surprise you. I read once it takes 10 days to change your tastebuds and 22 days to become a habit.
I also give a dip sometimes,the twins eat more when they think its a game.They like to dip their food and feel proud of themselves.I usually use an organic ketchup,this is a vegan mayo.My plan is to experiment with different raw dips (you can even make raw tomato ketchup).As i can actually get them to eat lambs lettuce (its like a small "buttery" type mild lettuce) dipped in my favourite blend of tamari,tahini and agave.
As you can see they are like any other kids and throw their (green) juice on the floor.
Forgive my quick oven dinner i gave them of a vegan mushroom pie and potato croquettes (neither home made)I know this is a health advocate blog but i too choose convenience at times!

My dinner tonight was quinoa stir-fried with veg in coconut oil.
I love to boil quinoa in vegetable stock (i like organic and gluten free) then add to my vegetables for a quick plant based meal.The benefits of quinoa are enormous..
The twins had a munch too..
Today i took a trip to my new favourite organic shop on my very own high street in Loughton.Here are my buys.
-Raw Cacao/Chocolate Powder (forgot i had creative nature at home!)
-Biona Organic Ketchup 
-Soupologie in Broccoli & Matcha Green Tea
-Biona Coconut Milk (Planning a vegan curry)
-Organic Quinoa,Corn & Rice Cereal (for the twins.I cant get my husband off his favourite meal of cereal and my son wants to copy.I tried them with my homemade rawnola but it is a little advanced munching for their lack of a full mouth of teeth.This will do for now till then,they also have a raw superfood smoothie for breakfast and some gluten free toast with raw honey).
-Fermented Botanical Cola and Lemonade with herbal extracts (for the Mr)
-Goats Cheese
..and these deserve a close up..

- Red Grapes (Romeos fave)
-Alfafa Sprouts (google these tremendous protein packed little beauty's)
-Organic Choc Chip Cookies (These are my bribe cookies for the twins.Dont judge you'll do it too lol) 
-Aloe Vera beverage (Bens fave)

..Up until the twins attended nursery 2 months ago the twins were pretty high raw (they are 15 months now).Almost 100%,But they had smaller portions then.I could make everything they ate.At nursery they like to give them cooked food although they still keep it plant based for us.For social reasons and the fact they are now eating me out of house and home i have relaxed a lot and they eat a combination of a lot of things.Their dad eats a pretty standard diet that includes processed things id rather he wouldn't but i have to respect how he wants to eat and if my children are going to be around it i get better versions.He is better than he was though.We dont consume cows milk but he likes cheese so ive got a goats cheese (gentler to digest than cows) if the twins/i/he should want it.My daughter gets severe gastric distress from soya so that is not an option...
..Yes theres more!
-Organic Womans time of the month products.Tampons can be bleached white and ive had pre-cancerous cells removed so i like to be a little cautious
-Organic Spinach (High in protein and iron)
-Inspiral Kale Chips (High in protein)
-Fennel (To use in hot water for a water retention drink)
-Organic low g.i gluten free strawberry sauce for vegan pancakes im planning
-Nannycare goats milk growing up formula 
....So i guess you could say some of these are vegetarian options as opposed to completely vegan.My mind is constantly open.Things change for us constantly and i am open to change.I have noticed a few of my raw vegan pioneers i follow give their growing children raw dairy.I wondered why and i learnt that the raw vegan diet is abundant in most but the bone minerals.My children gave up bottles and formula of their own accord at 11 months and i make sure they get calcium in the form of raw almond milk,dark leafy greens (in smoothies) and tahini.It may be enough,it may not be enough.But they were prematures and are so tiny.They cant have soya and i feel they need more in calories,fats,something.But not meat.That is not for us health wise and i dont want to offend anyone by including why.They are more limited also than an adult to what they can chew & swallow.They cannot chew down a large green salad for their nutrients because they understand it is good for them.I so wish i hadnt given up breastfeeding or i wouldnt have this issue.They are 15 months and in 9-12 months clothes.They are no cause for concern to the health visitor as they are growing on the scale as their premature rate but as their mother i feel son is super lean with being so active (and running) and he looks a little alarming next to his chunkier (and slightly lazier lol) sister.He also had the more extreme case of GERD than his sister so he missed out a lot of chunking up in the vital periods.It dosent help with his prem shape head which is common and he looks like a lollipop.(A cute lollipop).They enjoyed nannycare for infants when they were younger for a short period whilst trying formulas after breastfeeding stopped so i guess i am trying to find a happy medium and hope they enjoy this in a sippy cup.
I tried raw dairy but it didn't work out for us.I have also been trying a little organic Rachel's yoghurt however which my son is having no problems with after having severe issues with dairy when younger.(His sister has soya problems so again trying to find a happy medium as goats yoghurt is bleurgh.I also cannot get hold of fresh coconuts to make my own or have a nearby coconut yoghurt supplier which i hope will change).
These are all small additions to a VERY varied diet.
The fruit and veg available to the uk is not like the produce in warmer parts.Ours are mainly shipped across seas,under-ripe and organic can get expensive.So i personally feel it is not enough for us as a main source only for our specific needs.
So i like to supplement with superfoods ,seaweeds,algaes and such other items.
As any mother would be i am constantly watching their health and growth and will do what i think is right for that moment.It may change again, i think listen to your intuition.Do your research.Watch how bodies respond because all it will tell you with symptoms.They will be offered vegan food and vegetarian options,raw and non raw,homemade..and yes some convenience foods like everyone else.I have gotten myself into too many states trying to be too perfect to be completely pure and i stress myself out missing sleep staying up all night trying to make everything we eat 100% from scratch from raw milk to raw bread.I cant control how they will eat when they are older so i think exposing them to society and educating them along the way is a better option.
So theres quite a detailed post on our families week.
As my raw friend Angie said to me "Dont be stuck with 100% raw.Do as much as you can and as much as you feel like.Being stubborn and hard is only going to get you into trouble.Be soft like bamboo :) . No one is the same. food, soil, health, mental conditions, you have to listen to your instinct first"
Lots of love,
Jen xx


  1. hi Jen, love your blog, would like a lot to read more! :) could you please let me know about your older blog? you really did inspire me...

    take care!

  2. Nanny Care Goat Milk Formula
    Nanny Care is particularly proud to be able to present its infant formula product as the UK's first goat milk infant formula. It is designed to be a nutritionally complete breast milk substitute which can be used for combination feeding or if your baby is not breastfed.
