Friday 3 January 2014

Merry Xmas

Happy new year healthy ones!

I hope you had a joyous christmas also.
Heres what weve been upto:
I took the twins on their 1st ride at a shopping centre,boy twin looked scared but then cried as we took him off lol.
This was the twins christmas present,of course it would be a kitchen.I am a fan of wooden toys versus plastic.I like to keep plastic to a minimum where possible because of chemical leaching.Its not always possible but i do always try.
They also got these wooden fruits:

Then they had their 1st real fight on christmas day.They were both trying to "fill up their jugs" under the tap but resulted in santa pulling a wrestling move around elfs waist and pinning to the floor.I have never laughed so hard because they were in
We didn't do anything great for xmas dinner,last year the twins were 3 months old.It was easier to plan things.This year i realised how much further you need to plan with two 1 year olds.

I found this spread recently at Simply Organic in loughton,essex.I use it instead of butter.It has the essential fatty acids needed for brain development & growth in children.
I added it to gently heated unsweetened cashew milk to use in mash and a bunch of other things which made the BEST mashed potato ever.
I used
-organic boiled potatoes (non-organic has a bunch of pesticides)
-Himalayan pink salt (mineral rich)
-Nutritional Yeast Flakes (with B12)
-Onion Powder/Granules
-Garlic Powder/Granules

I also am trying out some raw banana cupcakes from this brilliant book i ordered from Australia:
She has an inspiring instagram also at @therawfoodmum.
The twins have stopped drinking out their smoothie cups which has been a problem.They were now consuming no nut milks or greens.I changed their cups to different ones incase of boredom and hooray its worked and they have been drinking ALL day out of them since.They are also really easy to transport too so now they can drink my liquids because gosh there is some rubbish out there for children.I fill them with coconut water,green smoothie or superfood nut milk like below.This dosent look so appetising lol,seperation is natural but with a shake its a purple creamy milk.
This one is cashew and almond.I added in some coconut flesh i froze recently,a kids 32 superfood berrblend,acai,reishi,Himalayan salt,chlorella,wheatgrass,raw banana flakes,kelp,maple syrup,vanilla,i think thats it.I just add what i feel at the time.

Ive been taking some time to think about a logo/theme for Rawnchy and i think im finally happy on what im going to do.
I also put forward Rawnchy for the Loughton Farmers Market this year and was accepted!
We will also be selling at Simply Organic in Loughton,exciting news!

I also made butternut-apple-cashew soup from the blog .Her blog is much prettier than mine with some really great recipes.
Next year i plan to start early with homemade food gifts and lots of tasty creations,this year was a bit of a flop but i had my family and a promising future which is what mattered most.
Lots of love,
Jen xxx

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